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Yesterday's quote

The Pentecostal spring of the early Christian Church stands in the strongest contrast to the icily rigid Christianity of our day. Everyone feels that there a fresher wind blows and purer water springs, that there a stronger power and a more glowing warmth hold sway than is the case today among those who call themselves Christians.

- Eberhard Arnold
May 19,2024

God is life. He is so abounding in life that His nature is love. The life of God is the will for unity and community. The heart of His righteousness is the gathering love which draws together and unites, and makes everything communal which belongs to life. Where life is stronger than death, it is revealed as love.

- Eberhard Arnold
May 18,2024

The fullness of God cannot endure any private life of self, however pious. He who toils to keep himself and his salvation and inner life afloat is still occupied with himself and has no strength for loving. But he who has been saved from the death-bringing, isolated life of self takes part in the all-embracing life power of God’s unity, and will give this power to his deliverer as love which goes out to all. In this unity, then, all who will accept the Word in Jesus will be set free.

- Eberhard Arnold