The first steps toward resurrection are taken when believers are no longer concerned with themselves, but turn completely and solely to the great cause of God’s kingdom.
- Eberhard Arnold
July 29,2025
- Eberhard Arnold InnerlandThe peace of God is a force like a streaming flood, a reviving wind, an almighty power. It alone can bring all the mills of human work into action. It can be compared to a mighty torrent whose waters overflow, while the overflowing power and movement of its depths perform the greatest task.
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God’s Word falls into the hearts of mortal and erring men, to pervade them from the very roots with the divine Spirit and the Christian life.
- Eberhard Arnold
Only the spirit of the perfect life has the power to overcome death.
Every awakening of humankind's collective conscience is of deep significance. There is such a thing as a world conscience, the conscience of humanity. It rises up against war and bloodshed, against mammonism and social injustice, against violence of any kind.
- Eberhard Arnold, April 1919