The city on the hill has a freedom, an essential quality of fellowship, which it cannot forfeit to any kingdom of this world, any government, any church, any political party, or any other organization of this age.
- Eberhard Arnold
Yesterday's quote
- Eberhard Arnold From a letter, September 1920I consider it very important that we who understand the striving and longing of today’s religious-minded young people, meet for a thorough discussion. At Whitsuntide this year there must be a meeting where the most varied groups of the Christian movement come together, of the movement which comprises all nature and love of mankind.
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The light is discoverer, liberator and leader. Wherever a life in God is brought about by the radiance of light within, wherever the inner and outer life meets Christ’s radiant face, wherever His power puts an end to darkness, the guidance of all of life by the inner life begins.
- Eberhard Arnold
Faith is a light of God that surpasses all human reason. The light of faith is nothing other than God drawing near and intervening. He who is in the sun has no lack of light.
- Eberhard Arnold