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Yesterday's quote

The love of God is poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. This is what really becoming human means. Besides, out of this love that which God wants must be created: our truly becoming human; the embodiment of the eternal Christ in complete love, in complete community, in complete peace, in complete unity! I am always so thankful when we are together with guests and friends and they, by their contrasting points of view, remind us that we may return anew to that which alone is decisive, to the way of Jesus Christ, who was humiliated.

- Eberhard Arnold
May 09,2024

Jesus experienced the utmost humiliation, which led Him very much lower than He had been at His birth in the feed-trough, in the manger. When Jesus was hung on the cross and crucified, the high official, that proud representative of the whole Roman Empire, said, shortly before this overpowering humiliation, “Behold, a man!” Behold the man! Jesus, the man! He who reveals God as a man, this is the one whom we seek. He who reveals God as love, this is the human being with whom we want to have communion.

- Eberhard Arnold
May 08,2024

It is always a matter of the clashing of two opposing goals. One goal seeks the person of high position, the great person, the spiritual person, the clever person, the fine person, who because of his natural abilities exhibits a special talent in the high places of mankind. And the other goal seeks the lowly people, the suffering people, who because of their low position live in a valley; who in the high places of mankind create the low place; the humble people, those who are wrongfully enslaved, the exploited and the weak and poor, the poorest of the poor.

- Eberhard Arnold