God’s Word falls into the hearts of mortal and erring men, to pervade them from the very roots with the divine Spirit and the Christian life.
- Eberhard Arnold
Only the spirit of the perfect life has the power to overcome death.
November 24,2025
- Eberhard Arnold God’s RevolutionWhere the Kingdom of God, the rule of Christ, is being proclaimed, things start happening. That is why John the Baptist was challenged: Why are you asking? Look at what is happening, listen to what is being said, and accept it. This is what is happening here: The blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised. (Matt. 11:5)
Jesus is saying that if only you could believe what is actually happening, Christ would be revealed to you, and your questions about God’s Kingdom would be answered. That is what faith means.
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Every awakening of humankind's collective conscience is of deep significance. There is such a thing as a world conscience, the conscience of humanity. It rises up against war and bloodshed, against mammonism and social injustice, against violence of any kind.
- Eberhard Arnold, April 1919
As educators, you need the daily leading of the spirit of light which immediately recognizes, attacks and does away with all darkening elements, even before they can come to rule over the little sensitive souls.
- Eberhard Arnold