Faith is a light of God that surpasses all human reason. The light of faith is nothing other than God drawing near and intervening. He who is in the sun has no lack of light.
- Eberhard Arnold
November 30,2025
- Eberhard Arnold When the Time Was FulfilledAdvent is a time when we await God’s intervention in the need of the present day, as he intervened then in Jesus’ birth. We long for the highest power to rescue this unhappy, torn humanity that knows so little community. Now is the time to ask God for a radical change in all things, even if this means we must go through judgment.
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Unless we have opened eyes that hasten toward the divine light, we are and remain blind. In the perfect working of the light of the Spirit there lies concealed a power to eradicate and overcome evil which is stronger than all destructive forces.
- Eberhard Arnold
God opens hearts to final decision. In this decision we can make way for the light; we can lay aside all that is obscure as hated darkness; we can recognize and leave behind all dismal entanglement in guilt. All this we do in order to be renewed in the light of Jesus Christ to the life of His Church.
- Eberhard Arnold