God opens hearts to final decision. In this decision we can make way for the light; we can lay aside all that is obscure as hated darkness; we can recognize and leave behind all dismal entanglement in guilt. All this we do in order to be renewed in the light of Jesus Christ to the life of His Church.
- Eberhard Arnold
October 09,2025
- Eberhard ArnoldIt is the Spirit, calling to us from the mighty future of God, which gives us the strength to live in accordance with his coming reign. We must not grow sleepy in the face of such a high calling; instead, out of the inner compulsion of the Spirit, we must be constantly purified and hold to our original vocation. We must hold firm to the clear confession we made at the beginning, and to the final goal that we recognize and await! Jesus Christ and his future are coming soon!
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In Christ’s death, Christians die to wrath and its grim commands. A Christian is one who has died with Christ to all the elements of wrath. In Christ’s Spirit, which is the love of God’s heart, he is born a new man who lives in that different justice of loving patience.
- Eberhard Arnold
The mystery of the Church is Christ shining in her. He reveals His presence in the pure fire of the Holy Spirit. The clarity of His light tolerates no defilement. The mystery of the Church is the pure expectation of the coming of God’s majesty in glory.
- Eberhard Arnold