Our hearts are at peace with God himself; our lives are at peace with the future kingdom of peace. It is the peace of faith in Jesus, the King and Ruler of the coming kingdom of God. God will give his church this peace of integrity and uprightness, of clarity and righteousness on all her ways. No messenger of death can drive it away, for the peace of the church is the herald of God’s peace, and God’s peace will be revealed in his kingdom, which overcomes all other powers.
- Eberhard Arnold
September 05,2024
- Eberhard ArnoldWe expect God’s future with as much assurance as a farmer awaits his coming harvest. We need to be prepared for terrible suffering and the cruelest death in these dangerous times, for we know that faith can be proved only in distress and persecution. The wrath of God and the fire of his judgment must spread across a world unprepared for his coming. And if we, too, give way to our flesh and want to be spared, if we crave for the comfortable life we led earlier with the rest of the world, then we shall have to meet judgment like everyone else and remain far from God’s kingdom of God.
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Community is alive where small bands of people meet, ready to be merged in the one goal and belong to the one future. Already now we can live in the power of the future; already now we can shape our lives in accordance with God and his future kingdom. The victory of the spirit is proved in the church community. The kingdom of love, which is free of mammon, is drawing very near. Change your thinking radically so that you will be ready for the coming order.
- Eberhard Arnold
In the final kingdom, God is victorious over all worlds and takes possession of them in complete justice and perfect peace. Therefore the church is placed into this world as an embassy established by the Holy Spirit so that it may proclaim and put into practice this new kingdom of reborn mankind. The only way this is possible is through the forgiveness of sins: Christ is revealed as the perfect Redeemer, who alone is the center, not only as the King of the coming kingdom, but as the heart and head of his church.
- Eberhard Arnold