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Yesterday's quote

The tremendous thing in Jesus Christ is that this unity is reached by unveiling the truth. Its light comes to us in all its sharpness. When men experience God in Jesus Christ, they experience His being as holiness which judges their sin and yet draws them into His unity.

- Eberhard Arnold
May 04,2024

God himself was the only one who was able to restore himself and His lost image to us. He did this in Jesus Christ. In Jesus, God’s heart came into our midst anew. In Him it became clear again what God’s will and Spirit is.

- Eberhard Arnold
May 03,2024

If the joy of our deepest unity fills our hearts, we will not be afraid of anyone. The reverence of perfect love drives out the fear of men. Whoever fears God fears no man. And perfect love drives out fear.

- Eberhard Arnold, October 1933