Unless we have opened eyes that hasten toward the divine light, we are and remain blind. In the perfect working of the light of the Spirit there lies concealed a power to eradicate and overcome evil which is stronger than all destructive forces.
- Eberhard Arnold
September 06,2025
- Eberhard ArnoldWe testify to the church of Christ as an embassy of God’s future state. Therefore the church of Christ should represent today what God’s kingdom will be. The Apostle Paul says, “The kingdom of God is today, here and now, and it is justice, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is the element of the great future. For this reason the church receives the Holy Spirit, not in order to figure out for itself a timetable for God’s kingdom, but in order to let life be directed by the Spirit, through perfect love.
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God opens hearts to final decision. In this decision we can make way for the light; we can lay aside all that is obscure as hated darkness; we can recognize and leave behind all dismal entanglement in guilt. All this we do in order to be renewed in the light of Jesus Christ to the life of His Church.
- Eberhard Arnold
In Christ’s death, Christians die to wrath and its grim commands. A Christian is one who has died with Christ to all the elements of wrath. In Christ’s Spirit, which is the love of God’s heart, he is born a new man who lives in that different justice of loving patience.
- Eberhard Arnold